Film and television actor Floyd Herrington was recently featured as Daniel, a key character in the romantic drama The Longest Ride (2015), which stars Scott Eastwood, Britt Robertson, Oona Chaplin and Jack Huston. Like the acclaimed film The Notebook, the dramatic story flips back and forth between characters at different times in their life. Floyd...
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Film and television actor Floyd Herrington was recently featured as Daniel, a key character in the romantic drama The Longest Ride (2015), which stars Scott Eastwood, Britt Robertson, Oona Chaplin and Jack Huston. Like the acclaimed film The Notebook, the dramatic story flips back and forth between characters at different times in their life. Floyd was also featured as a child rescued by Matthew McConaughey in an episode of HBO's acclaimed series True Detective (2014). A native of Santa Monica, California, and the son of filmmaker T.G. Herrington (Free State of Jones (2016)) and his actress/producer wife, Nicelle Herrington (Mr. Okra (2009)), Floyd was briefly bi-coastal, living between Los Angeles and Brooklyn, before recently settling in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he currently attends school. The middle child of three, Floyd has been performing his whole life, starting out in commercials for Sucre in New Orleans. He recently received plaudits for a commercial he did with Vanilla Ice for Kraft macaroni and cheese. In many ways, he's a typical eleven-year-old kid, with a love for skateboarding, surfing, fly fishing and Greek mythology. In elementary school, he has also excelled as a cross country runner and is considered the fastest in his school. Outgoing and good hearted, he was known as the "President of the Playground," while growing up in Brooklyn.
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