Eric Martinez is an American director, actor, and writer who is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Eric had developed a passion for film for years as he grew up due to his grandfathers and his love for movies and entertainment. After his grandfather passed away in 2016 he directed his first short film titled "The Boo" (2016), which stared his bro...
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Eric Martinez is an American director, actor, and writer who is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Eric had developed a passion for film for years as he grew up due to his grandfathers and his love for movies and entertainment. After his grandfather passed away in 2016 he directed his first short film titled "The Boo" (2016), which stared his brothers and himself and was dedicated to his grandfather. Eric Martinez began directing and starring in some of his first projects such as "Project E.V.E" (2018) and "Infected" (2016). Show less «