Elliot M. Bour began his career working as an animator for Walt Disney Animation on the 1991 Oscar-nominated animated classic, "Beauty and the Beast." During his eight-year tenure, he amassed an impressive list of credits, continuing to work on such hits as "Aladdin," "The Lion King," "Pocahontas" and "M...
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Elliot M. Bour began his career working as an animator for Walt Disney Animation on the 1991 Oscar-nominated animated classic, "Beauty and the Beast." During his eight-year tenure, he amassed an impressive list of credits, continuing to work on such hits as "Aladdin," "The Lion King," "Pocahontas" and "Mulan."He made his directorial debut in 2000 with the entertaining action/adventure series, "SpyGroove," for MTV. Shortly thereafter, he revisited Disney, co-directing the animated features "Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo" and "Kronk's New Groove," the hilarious sequel to "The Emporer's New Groove," starring the voices of Patrick Warburton, Tracey Ullman, David Spade and Eartha Kitt.In addition to work in feature films and television series, Elliot has also directed numerous high-profile commercials for top clients such as Best Buy, Dunkin' Donuts and Chef Boyardee, as well as the first-ever animated spots for Mercedes Benz, EA Sports and Truth. In 2008, he directed a Super Bowl commercial for CareerBuilder.com.In 2010, he directed "The Little Engine That Could," for Universal, with a screenplay by David Koepp ("Jurassic Park," "Spider-Man," "War of the Worlds") and starring the voices of Whoopi Goldberg, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jodi Benson and Alyson Stoner.Soon after, he returned to DisneyToon Studios to direct a series of shorts for the Tinker Bell franchise, working closely with executive producer John Lasseter.
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