David's career began in classical theatre. Graduating from the prestigious Ryerson Theatre School in Toronto he portrayed Henry V in the graduate production directed by the late John Neville. This lead to his entry into the Stratford Festival Conservatory, which led to many years performing in The Stratford Festival Company - where he performe...
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David's career began in classical theatre. Graduating from the prestigious Ryerson Theatre School in Toronto he portrayed Henry V in the graduate production directed by the late John Neville. This lead to his entry into the Stratford Festival Conservatory, which led to many years performing in The Stratford Festival Company - where he performed in classical plays in repertoire in front of audiences of thousands. He was awarded both a Tyrone Guthrie Award, and a Citizen Arts Acclaim Award from his hometown.Returning to Toronto, his theatre career continued with such roles as Estragon in a critically acclaimed "Waiting For Godot", Hamlet in "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead", Sebastian in "Twelfth Night", Daniel in "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged", and Gerry in "Dancing at Lughnasa".Moving to Los Angeles in 2008, David produced and directed the well-received George F. Walker play "Problem Child" that featured his friends Ceciley Jenkins, Christopher Redman, and Marguerite Moreau.He soon began landing large acting roles in various independent movies. Frustrated with the outcome of those films after putting so much energy into them, he began to study the business of filmmaking. He began having a more active producing role in films he acted in, and the outcome of those films were far better. In 2012 he formed his own production company, Phillm Productions, where he worked on finding and developing scripts, casting, filming, post-production, delivering and distribution. As the films he's produced began to do well artistically and financially, he now continues to balance a career of both producing and acting.In five years he has been a producer on 11 films and a television pilot for Spike TV. Show less «