Chip has dedicated his career to making movies ONLY in the Christian, Faith-Based and Family genres, and has written, directed and/or produced 19 feature films in these genres. He has also developed television shows and has 9 documentaries and 10 short and animated sorts to this credit. His first feature film, "Fathers", was released in M...
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Chip has dedicated his career to making movies ONLY in the Christian, Faith-Based and Family genres, and has written, directed and/or produced 19 feature films in these genres. He has also developed television shows and has 9 documentaries and 10 short and animated sorts to this credit. His first feature film, "Fathers", was released in May of 2012 and is still selling worldwide. He followed that with a Romantic Comedy titled "The Accidental Missionary". He then returned to the world of drama with "HomeFront", which was released worldwide on July 2nd, 2013. In April of the same year he began production on his fourth feature "Right To Believe", released in February of 2014. Since then, Chip has worked on 20 feature films, in various capacities, including In Gramps' Shoes, The Gospel Writers' Autographs, Gramps Goes To College, Where Was God, One More Round, The Unexpected Bar Mitzvah, The Borrowed Christmas, Love Waits, The Man in the Empty Chair, The Colors of Emily, 94 Feet, The Christmas Reunion, Saving Faith, Andy's Rainbow and AN Uncommon Grace.
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