Carrie Wampler can be seen in director Alexandre Moors' feature film, "The Yellow Birds," opposite Alden Ehrenreich and Jennifer Aniston. Based on the novel by Iraq War vet Kevin Powers, the story follows two young soldiers who become friends in boot camp and navigate the terrors of the war together. In the film, Wampler portrays sol...
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Carrie Wampler can be seen in director Alexandre Moors' feature film, "The Yellow Birds," opposite Alden Ehrenreich and Jennifer Aniston. Based on the novel by Iraq War vet Kevin Powers, the story follows two young soldiers who become friends in boot camp and navigate the terrors of the war together. In the film, Wampler portrays soldier and medic 'Jenny Smith.' She also appears in HBO's limited series, "Big Little Lies," based on Liane Moriarty's best-selling novel. The project, from executive producer David E. Kelley, stars Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman and Carrie recurs alongside a cast that includes Shailene Woodley and Zoë Kravitz. She also stars in the film, "Maximum Ride," based on the bestselling book series by acclaimed author James Patterson.Carrie is among the cast of the scripted comedy "Tales of Titans," from creators Nick Wiger and Matty Smith, airing on Funny or Die's Go90 Channel. The series is centered on a competitive professional team for a fictional video game, and Carrie plays 'Becca,' the whip-smart and motivated team captain, among an ensemble which includes Jason Ritter and John Salley.Carrie is perhaps best known for her popular recurring role as 'Brooke' on Disney Channel's hit original series, "Austin & Ally." She has guest starred on shows such as NBC's "Parks and Recreation," "Surviving Jack," "Instant Mom" and "Malibu Country" as well as portraying lead roles in AwesomenessTV's "A Christmas Carol + Zombies," and the thriller anthology series "Sleep Tight" on Go90. Her television movie credits include "Blue Lagoon: The Awakening" opposite Brenton Thwaites directed by Mikael Salomon and "Expecting Amish" with AJ Michalka.Carrie is passionate about putting a spotlight on the types of cancer that largely affect children. A volunteer at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, she hopes to continue to promote awareness of the need to raise funds for research and family support in order to help improve outcomes for children.In addition to acting, Carrie is also an aspiring singer and is currently working on original music. Originally from Tipp City, Ohio Carrie resides in Los Angeles with her dogs, Labradoodle Oscar and Phoebe, a Maltipoo.
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