Bo Linton

Bo Linton

Birthday: 3 September 1970, Lancaster, Ohio, USA
Birth Name: Bo Lennart Robert Linton
Height: 188 cm
After nearly a decade away from acting, in early 2012 Bo Linton joined the community theater in Temecula California and played the role of "The Boss" in the play "Of Mice and Men." Later in 2012, after being seen in an acting workshop Bo was cast on General Hospital, portraying a recurring character of an orderly. Then Linton wa... Show more »
After nearly a decade away from acting, in early 2012 Bo Linton joined the community theater in Temecula California and played the role of "The Boss" in the play "Of Mice and Men." Later in 2012, after being seen in an acting workshop Bo was cast on General Hospital, portraying a recurring character of an orderly. Then Linton was cast as the action hero role of Jake Miller in the feature film "Infected." In 2013 Linton was cast as the lead villain role of Ash Pain in the feature film "Seventy-Nine" which was accepted as an official selection in the La Sci-Fi Film Festival 2014. Later in 2013, Linton showed his comedic side in two children's' films "Ghost Goggles", and "Mobster Kids." Later in 2013 Linton was brought back to General Hospital as a new recurring character, Dr. Dosky.During his time away from acting Bo became the President and/or CEO of several start up public companies. His first major success was Magnegas which was started from a garage and is now a thriving NASDAQ listed company. Those businesses he started took him around the world to places like India, China, Several European countries, the Kuwait (where he met with Prince Nasser in the Bayan Palace to discuss clean energy in the Middle East), Malaysia, Korea and even a a stop at the distinguished United Nations in New York where Bo was an invited guest speaker.Bo enjoys racing cars and especially Porsches as an active member in the Porsche Club of America. He is a two time season champion for 2011 and 2012 in the Porsche 911 Turbo Class. He is also a nationally certified high performance Porsche Club driving instructor.Bo was born in Ohio, and at the age of six his family made the move south to Baton Rouge, La. His mother, born in Sweden, has provided some of his extensive travel experiences throughout Europe growing up as a child. His Swedish mother is first cousin to the actress Linda Haynes. Serving six years in the Army National Guard from 1988-1994 gave him the unique opportunity to travel to such places as Guatemala. He has a Bachelor of General Studies, which he attained from Louisiana State University in the spring of 1994. Some of his studies included; theater, creative writing, and business. Bo is happily married with a son, born in 2009, living in Southern California. Show less «
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