Ten-year-old Amir O'Neil is a series regular in the new NBC sitcom, Marlon, being released Summer of 2017. He plays Zack, the hyperkinetic son of comedy icon Marlon Wayans. The role is a perfect fit for Amir who, along with his identical twin brother Amari, is a true force of nature.Born in Jacksonville, Florida, Amir moved with his parents an...
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Ten-year-old Amir O'Neil is a series regular in the new NBC sitcom, Marlon, being released Summer of 2017. He plays Zack, the hyperkinetic son of comedy icon Marlon Wayans. The role is a perfect fit for Amir who, along with his identical twin brother Amari, is a true force of nature.Born in Jacksonville, Florida, Amir moved with his parents and 8 siblings to Southern California several years later. The actor, rapper and breakdancer was determined to be on TV and finally his dream was realized when he and his brother were snapped up by Stella Alex at The Savage Agency, one of the most successful youth talent agencies in Hollywood.Two weeks later he and Amari snagged the role of Michael in the TV One MOW White Water. Once that wrapped, Amir was cast as a regular on Mann and Wife.In 2016, Amir and his twin had the honor of performing their anti-bullying rap for one of their idols, Stevie Wonder, at the All It Takes star-studded fundraiser at USC. Also last year, the boys were featured in the music video for the Rock Star Recess national elementary school campaign which reinforces safe and healthy play for all children.
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