[on the cast of Texas Killing Fields (2011)] I just have to say, I'm so lucky to have gotten this incredible cast. Sam [Sam Worthington] was the first one on board. He read the script and responded to it, we met and he signed on. I actually hadn't known him from anything except this little film he did in Australia called Somersault (2004). I saw it a long time ago and thought he was just great in it. I was thrilled that he came on board. Jeffrey Dean [Jeffrey Dean Morgan] was just completely the bullseye because he's very generous with his presence, as an actor, and that's exactly the quality Brian needed. Jessica [Jessica Chastain], none of the movies she's in right now were available. I had seen her in this movie called Jolene (2008), and thought she was great. Chloë [Chloë Grace Moretz] auditioned, and within two seconds, I knew she was the one. Just instinctually, she had the right approach for the character of Little Anne, this complete lack of self-pity and a child-like tenacity which was exactly what Little Anne needed. All the way down, Stephen Graham is brilliant. Sheryl Lee, I think, is an incredible actress, totally underused. James Landry Hébert, who plays Sheryl Lee's son, is a local actor. He's an up and comer. I love my cast. I feel very, very, lucky. They're all brilliant. - (October 2011)
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