Alejandro Herrera is a passionate Mexican-Canadian actor residing in Vancouver BC, Canada. After a successful career in modeling in Mexico, his intentions turned to the entertainment industry, where through several serendipitous encounters, Alejandro seized a passion for the actor's craft. Hence, he felt gifted with the opportunity to experien...
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Alejandro Herrera is a passionate Mexican-Canadian actor residing in Vancouver BC, Canada. After a successful career in modeling in Mexico, his intentions turned to the entertainment industry, where through several serendipitous encounters, Alejandro seized a passion for the actor's craft. Hence, he felt gifted with the opportunity to experience and expresses the fullness of himself, and an opportunity for enrichment with each performance.From the moment he first stepped onto a Film Set, Alejandro was bitten by the acting bug. He now pursues the joy, creativity and expression that comes from serving stories in front of the camera. Since dedicating himself to acting, he's been in constant training and has performed lead and supporting roles in several plays and films. Alejandro continues to receive tutelage in the craft of acting from several mentors and recognized professionals.
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