Abel Green

Abel Green

Birthday: June 3, 1900 in New York City, New York, USA
Editor and theatrical trade reporter ('Variety'), songwriter, composer, editor, author and producer. He organized theatrical news coverage of European and South American capitols, and edited Variey since 1933. He co-authored and produced the Philco-Variety Hall of Fame. Joining ASCAP in 1952, his chief musical collaborators were Jesse Gre... Show more »
Editor and theatrical trade reporter ('Variety'), songwriter, composer, editor, author and producer. He organized theatrical news coverage of European and South American capitols, and edited Variey since 1933. He co-authored and produced the Philco-Variety Hall of Fame. Joining ASCAP in 1952, his chief musical collaborators were Jesse Greer, Pat Ballard, Fletcher Henderson and Al Stillman. His popular-song compositions include "Variety Stomp", "Variey Is the Spice of Life", "Who's Who Are You?", "Encore", "Humming Waters" and "Blue Baby". Show less «
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