Aaron Isaacs began acting at the age of 9 in a parentally-acclaimed turn as Moley, in an elementary school production of Wind in the Willows. After training at the Vernon School of Speech and drama in his hometown, he began his professional career at the age of 16, playing a juvenile delinquent on the Lifetime Movie, Augusta, Gone. He moved to New ...
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Aaron Isaacs began acting at the age of 9 in a parentally-acclaimed turn as Moley, in an elementary school production of Wind in the Willows. After training at the Vernon School of Speech and drama in his hometown, he began his professional career at the age of 16, playing a juvenile delinquent on the Lifetime Movie, Augusta, Gone. He moved to New York City straight out of high school, and was invited to the prestigious American Academy Company as one of its' youngest members. He attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City. He's since continued his on-screen career on both sides of the border, most recently with guest roles on hit series such as Person of Interest, and Blue Bloods. He lives in New York City.
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