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Watch The Substitute


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Inner-city Miami schoolteacher Jane Hetzko gets her knee broken when she stands up to the school's gang leader, Juan Lacas. Her boyfriend, ex-marine John Shale, decides to go undercover as her substitute in high school.
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There's a certain amount of camp value to this over-the-top thriller, which might as well be called Rambo Goes to High School.
January 01, 2000
Deseret News, Salt Lake City
The silliness of The Substitute escalates as the film progresses, so that by the end there have been plenty of laughs during 'serious' scenes.
January 01, 2000
An angry, white, mercenary movie out to spill blood and beat its manly chest.
January 01, 2000
Mediocre action flick with an ex-marine teacher taking his gang-banging students to task. Don't bother.
March 21, 2003
New York Times
The entire setup is too garish to be credible.
January 01, 2000
Chicago Sun-Times
The title changes, the actors change, and the superficial details of the story change, but it is always about exactly the same thing: heavily armed men shooting at one another.
January 01, 2000
Aside from a lot of only moderately-satisfying violence, The Substitute comes across as rather lame.
January 01, 2000
A poorly written and barely acted, but crowd-pleasing revenge flick.
January 01, 2000
Fantastica Daily
What begins as watchable quickly degenerates into a no-brain action flick that produces a ton of derisive laughter.
October 09, 2005
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