Frank Silva

Frank Silva

Birthday: 20 April 1959, New Rochelle, New York, USA
Frank Silva was born Frank DaSilva in New Rochelle, New York but calls Florida home. He attended the University of Miami, received a BS Ed. and returned for his MS Ed. After college he was a police officer in Dade County, Florida for a short time until joining the US Army. He attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned as an Infantry Off... Show more »
Frank Silva was born Frank DaSilva in New Rochelle, New York but calls Florida home. He attended the University of Miami, received a BS Ed. and returned for his MS Ed. After college he was a police officer in Dade County, Florida for a short time until joining the US Army. He attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned as an Infantry Officer. He served five years on active duty before attending grad school while remaining in the Army National Guard and Army Reserve as a Military Intelligence Officer. While studying for his MS Ed. he taught high school social studies. He left teaching in 1995 and in his first film, The Substitute, he used his military skills and not only did tactical and weapons stunt work, but got to stand in for Tom Berenger in two scenes. After The Substitute he studied acting in earnest while also working as one of the elite tour guides at Universal Studios. Acting classes, workshops and his determination paid off. He auditioned for and worked on various feature film and television projects and joined the Screen Actors Guild after his role as a NASA engineer in the HBO/Tom Hanks project From the Earth to the Moon. After 9/11 he was mobilized to active duty for Operation Enduring Freedom and since then has split his time between his chosen profession and service to the Constitution and country until his retirement in 2007 where he intends to devote his full energy to his acting career. Between active duty tours he's performed in television shows and feature films including Judging Amy, E-Ring and Smokin' Aces. Show less «
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