Federico Cesari is a young and talented Italian actor from Rome who debuted in television when he was a child, participating in well-known and successful Rai series. His passion for acting goes hand in hand with his medical degree where he is close to graduating. He achieved success when he played Martino Rametta in Skam Italia, a TV series aired o...
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Federico Cesari is a young and talented Italian actor from Rome who debuted in television when he was a child, participating in well-known and successful Rai series. His passion for acting goes hand in hand with his medical degree where he is close to graduating. He achieved success when he played Martino Rametta in Skam Italia, a TV series aired on TIMvision and later distributed by Netflix. His character, a young guy discovering himself, has been an inspiration to many people. Federico is very sensitive to social and environmental issues. He collaborated for two consecutive years with the great master of Italian cinema, Pupi Avati. We will see him in the first Italian Amazon Original film, Anni da Cane, directed by Fabio Mollo and coming this fall on Amazon Prime Video.
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