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Watch The F Word (What If)


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  •  Trailer
Wallace - a dropout, is always haunted by his bad relationships. Therefore, while his roommate Allan is looking a perfect lover, Wallace decides to lock the inside love life. Then he meets Chantry, a cartoon artist living with Ben - her boyfriend. Wallace and Chantry quickly gain the cohesion and build up a close friendship. But they notice the similarities between the two person is too obvious, making them wonder What if the enemy is only a best friend?
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  • ACTORS OF "The F Word (What If)"
  • DIRECTORS OF "The F Word (What If)"
  • CREATORS OF "The F Word (What If)"
  • HEROES OF "The F Word (What If)"
  • CRITICS OF "The F Word (What If)"
Chicago Reader
Nerd wish-fulfillment of the first order, this Canadian rom-com places an artificial barrier between its cute-as-a-button leads and asks us to stick around for an hour and a half until it's artificially removed.
August 28, 2014
Globe and Mail
Long before the script permits the characters to acknowledge the obvious, you lose patience: Jump into the deep end of the bed already. It would be more fun and friendly to all concerned, especially the audience.
August 22, 2014
  • Soundtracks Of "The F Word (What If)"
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