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Watch Slaughter High


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At Doddsville County High School, Carol (Caroline Munro) leaves the geek Marty (Simon Scuddamore) down the hallway, both laughing about doing it. She leads Marty to the girls locker room as, unbeknownst to Marty, a group of people follow. Marty goes into a shower stall and undressed, and Carol lets the people inside the room. The curtain is thrown aside and they yell 'April Fools!' The crowed mocks the half-naked Marty. The coach appears and tells all of them, except Marty, to go to the gym and 'suit up'. While they are working out, one of the students, Stella (Donna Yeager) is angry and blames Marty for this collective punishment they are now receiving. Carl (John Segal) and Ted (Michael Saffran) stop by Marty's locker and to show him that there are no hard feelings toward him, give him a joint to smoke.
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