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Long Island housewife Lucy Chadman choke to death exactly like her occult sister, Zelda exclaims: Something is going to happen. Lucy then is brought back to life by a spell cast by her wacky sister. However, Lucy quickly discovers you can't go home again.
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  • CRITICS OF "Hello Again"
New York Times
A high-concept comedy with a terminally low laugh content.
May 20, 2003
Shadows on the Wall
September 19, 2004
Time Out
Merely the excuse for a parade of expensive clothes and opulent locations, with Shelley Long milking her role for any drop of pathos, this is good for a giggle at best.
June 24, 2006
TV Guide
As predictable as the sun rising.
October 30, 2007
For the first eighty minutes or so the story seems aimless but amiable, then suddenly things do start to happen, but nothing very good.
January 01, 2000
Washington Post
All of this is presented with a broad-stroked, sitcom raucousness that's pretty tough to stomach.
January 01, 2000
Chicago Sun-Times
There are the makings of a great comedy here, but you will not find more than scattered hints of it.
January 01, 2000
Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
There are worse films, but they don't have Gabriel Byrne in them
July 30, 2002
Shelley Long wanders through a script she can't carry by herself while heading a cast handled with less than a Midas touch by director Frank Perry, who seems to think he's staging a high school play.
October 30, 2007
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