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Watch Dungeons and Dragons


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In the Kingdom of Izmer, wizards use their magic to rule the land. Izmer's young Empress, Savina, wants equality and prosperity for all, but the evil Mage Profion is plotting to depose her, and establish his own rule.
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  • ACTORS OF "Dungeons and Dragons"
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  • CRITICS OF "Dungeons and Dragons"
Toronto Star
The movie has the cheap software look of something found on the Space channel at 4 a.m.
December 08, 2000
Film Journal International
Most of the special effects have that vapory digital look that has become very ho-hum by now.
February 11, 2003
Antagony & Ecstasy
Almost totally devoid of redeeming facets, not even really bad enough to be funny, since one of the things it is worst at is providing comedy.
December 04, 2016
Hollywood Reporter
The special effects ... are nothing special, which is as close as this painfully derivative clunker is ever going to get to a ringing endorsement.
December 08, 2000
Sci-Fi Movie Page
We still like it better than Attack of the Clones . . .
November 06, 2007
Houston Chronicle
Sinks in a sea of cheesy effects, cheap clichés, dispiriting narrative and the one thing an action fantasy can't afford: boredom.
December 08, 2000
Movie Metropolis
The movie reminded me of a trailer for a fantasy adventure, a highlights reel flashing by in pretty colors.
February 13, 2011
Detroit News
This movie may be the clumsiest, most inept cinematic exploitation of an item with kid appeal that we have yet seen.
December 08, 2000
Orlando Sentinel
Without Irons' hamming, there wouldn't be much to chew on in this exasperatingly plotted mess.
December 08, 2000
Northwest Herald (Crystal Lake, IL)
Any dungeon master worth his 20-sided dice could have whipped up a better scenario.
June 21, 2002
Cinema Crazed
I doubt anyone will be cosplaying as Snails anytime, soon.
September 22, 2012
The average episode of Xena or Hercules offers a more compelling and imaginative photoplay.
December 08, 2000
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