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Watch Dr. Seuss The Cat In The Hat


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Conrad and Sally Walden (Spencer Breslin and Dakota Fanning) are home alone with their pet fish. It is raining outside, and there is nothing to do. Until The Cat in the Hat ('Mike Myers') walks in the front door. He introduces them to their imagination, and at first it's all fun and games, until things get out of hand, and The Cat must go, go, go, before their parents get back.
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  • ACTORS OF "Dr. Seuss The Cat In The Hat"
  • DIRECTORS OF "Dr. Seuss The Cat In The Hat"
  • CREATORS OF "Dr. Seuss The Cat In The Hat"
  • HEROES OF "Dr. Seuss The Cat In The Hat"
Played by: Bugsy
  • CRITICS OF "Dr. Seuss The Cat In The Hat"
Washington Post
About as creatively inspired as a giant hairball.
November 21, 2003
Movie Gazette
much of the film is padded out by the comic business of Mike Myers' cat, in a deeply flawed role falling somewhere between a stand-up dying on stage or an alcoholic clown harassing kids at a birthday party.
September 10, 2007
Good Morning America
The book is a ten minute read. The movie's a 90 minute watch... The additions deflate the fantasies.
May 23, 2016
The best argument yet made for extending artists' rights beyond the grave.
November 22, 2003
Is Dr. Seuss rolling in his grave yet?
February 03, 2008
USA Today
The Cat in the Hat is long on visual dazzle but short on warmth, and the humor is excessively raunchy for a family film.
November 21, 2003
Cinema Crazed
Should by no means be considered family fodder.
April 29, 2009
The younger the viewers, the better reactions are bound to be, while grownups will sit still in varying states of bemusement and discomfiture.
November 21, 2003
Princeton Town Topics
Unless you are prone to laugh at endless urination, expectoration, regurgitation, defecation, flatulence, and belching, avoid this rip-off at all costs.
April 22, 2007
Common Sense Media
Too mature for the kids who are reading the book.
December 22, 2010
Ebert & Roeper
First published in 1957, The Cat In The Hat is one of the most-loved and best-selling children's books ever. It's also a mere 1,600 words -- and even at 82 minutes, the movie version seems like a big stretch.
November 24, 2003
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