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Watch Clay Pigeons


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In a small Montana town, Clay Bidwell finds himself increasingly surrounded by dead bodies, making him the chief suspect of an FBI murder investigation. The only way for Clay to set things straight is to beat one twisted individual at his own game of deceit and double-crossing.
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  • CRITICS OF "Clay Pigeons"
Los Angeles Times
"You've got a sense of humor, I like that," Lester Long proclaims at one point. Well, we all like that, but would it be asking too much to have a little coherence to go along with it?
February 14, 2001
Clay Pigeons may not actually be a good movie, but it has many of the ingredients of one.
January 01, 2000
Capital Times (Madison, WI)
An okay little High Plains Noir, but it unravels at the end.
May 27, 2005
Chicago Sun-Times
Within Clay Pigeons is a smaller story that might have involved us more, but it's buried by overkill.
January 01, 2000
Slanted as a black comedy, but fails to secure the sufficiently outre tone (let alone any real suspense) needed to make it more than a middling retread.
March 26, 2009
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