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Watch 2016: Obama's America


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Following the achievement of Barak Obama, the president of America, this documentary movie embodies his early life, his struggles against racial discrimination, as he has a dark skin, the thing that affects badly on his personality. The movie discusses an important question of 'Where America will be in 2016, if Obama wins a second term? ', and also exposes Obama's plans for America and the world.
87 min
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Hollywood Reporter
No one doubts that the country faces major challenges in the next four years, but there is one safe bet: The future is unlikely to be affected by this simplistic documentary.
August 31, 2012
So Obama is bringing socialism to America by 2016? That would explain why Bain Capital is making bigger donations to him than to its founder Mitt Romney.
September 28, 2012
Washington Post
The movie seems destined to irritate the president's supporters while mobilizing his detractors, even as it is doomed to win precious few converts. It's a textbook example of preaching to the choir.
August 31, 2012
7M Pictures
D'Souza never actually shows...Obama's own words or deeds. Instead, he engages in guilt by association.
October 19, 2012
D'Souza's demented anti-Obama crusade feels personal more than political.
August 30, 2012
2016: Obama's America comes to seem like clownish alarmist speculation taking place in an echo chamber of talking heads.
December 17, 2012
Boston Globe
Viewers may do some headscratching. This can be a very strange movie.
August 31, 2012
TIME Magazine
Every anti-Obama argument D'Souza makes from the right could be made, more forcefully, from the left.
August 31, 2012
As questionable as right wing D'Souza's lack of unbiased assertions, is the seeming lack of anyone out there who can rise above being either a red state or blue state movie critic, when it comes to political documentaries in such a divided nation.
September 22, 2012
Antagony & Ecstasy
This is neither printing the facts nor printing the legend: it's printing the flop sweat.
July 04, 2015
Village Voice
The film is a sleepy dud, a polemic that, like D'Souza himself, is at once both outrageous and deeply boring.
August 31, 2012
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