Zett Jukassa (born Warpoc Skamini)[1] was a male Human Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars. He was shot down by clone troopers during Operation: Knightfall while trying to reach Senator Bail Organa's airspeeder.As a child Zett Jukassa became an apprentice just before the Clone Wars. When Darth Sidious ordered the murder of the jedi, as an adole...
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Zett Jukassa (born Warpoc Skamini)[1] was a male Human Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars. He was shot down by clone troopers during Operation: Knightfall while trying to reach Senator Bail Organa's airspeeder.As a child Zett Jukassa became an apprentice just before the Clone Wars. When Darth Sidious ordered the murder of the jedi, as an adolescent Padawan Zett Jukassa sacrificed himself to save Senator Bail Organa. Show less «