Tony Gates was introduced as a paramedic during Season 12 (as a recurring character). In Gates' first appearance in the series, he was fired at while trying to assist a young kidnapping victim. Gates transported the girl to County General following the arrest of her kidnapper. While assisting in the treatment of the girl, Gates met Dr. Neela R...
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Tony Gates was introduced as a paramedic during Season 12 (as a recurring character). In Gates' first appearance in the series, he was fired at while trying to assist a young kidnapping victim. Gates transported the girl to County General following the arrest of her kidnapper. While assisting in the treatment of the girl, Gates met Dr. Neela Rasgotra. In the beginning, Neela seems irritated by Gates, but the two soon developed a friendship. Gates later revealed to Neela that he too is a medical student who is spending time with the paramedics until he graduates. Gates returned to the series during season 13 as an intern at County. His strong willed and often rebellious attitude led him to a few confrontations with attending Gregory Pratt who on many occasions called him a cowboy; this an ironic counterpoint to Pratt's earlier difficulties with Luka Kova and John Carter. Tony reunited with Neela and encountered feelings. The two bickered with one another but eventually had a fling. This began to upset Ray Barnett, who also had feelings for Neela but could never quite face up to them. It was revealed that Tony had a girlfriend named Meg who was using her deceased husband's life insurance money to get him through medical school. She also had a daughter named Sarah who loved Tony more as a best friend than father figure. Tony and Meg's relationship was revealed at first being casual friends through Meg's husband who was friends with Tony. After the husband's death, Tony helped Meg and her daughter, and the two soon just got together. Meg clearly had big hopes for Tony to provide more for his family. Tony didn't mention his domestic status at the hospital, and it was unknown even to Neela.Tony was caught in the act with Neela when they spent a Thanksgiving together at his and Meg's place. Jealousy and fury were unleashed as Meg tried to get back at Tony and Neela. Ultimately, Tony left Meg for Neela but still managed to stay in Sarah's life. In Murmurs of the Heart, Tony gets a frantic call from Sarah saying her mother was unconscious. Despite everyone's best efforts, Meg eventually died from an intentional overdose of medication, leaving Tony flooded with guilt and holding Sarah by his side. The last thing Meg said to Tony before she lost consciousness was that Sarah is his biological daughter. However, a paternity test revealed that Tony was not Sarah's father but the two still remain close. Through the season, Tony tries to define his troubling relationship with Neela, that continues to become strain with Ray Barnett still longing for her. At Luka and Abby's wedding, Tony and Ray break out in a fight, drunk over the bar and over their growing hatred of one another. This led to Neela finally calling it quits between both of them. Tony begins thinking about legal intervention after speaking with his lawyer about Sarah, who wants to stay with him regardless of her grandparents' wishes. However, at the end of the season Meg's parents show up with legal documents and take Sarah without talking to Tony, saying this will make for an easier transition. Tony hopelessly tries to fight back but ensures Sarah he will visit her as much as he can. A cheated out Tony plans to fight for custody of her. Gates later tries to reconcile things with Neela, just hoping to stay as friends. At an anti-war rally Neela attends, an explosion broke out sending the crowd into mass panic. Tony who was making his way through the crowd to Neela, desperately tries to get through the stampede to save her from being trampeled.
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