The Girl in the Ferrari repeatedly crosses paths with Clark Griswold in the film National Lampoon's Vacation. Played by the beautiful Christie Brinkley, the flirtatious Girl passes the Griswolds twice on the highway while the family works it's way to from Chicago to Wally World, each time catching the eye of Clark while the rest of his fa...
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The Girl in the Ferrari repeatedly crosses paths with Clark Griswold in the film National Lampoon's Vacation. Played by the beautiful Christie Brinkley, the flirtatious Girl passes the Griswolds twice on the highway while the family works it's way to from Chicago to Wally World, each time catching the eye of Clark while the rest of his family is distracted or asleep. Clark also spies her at a rest stop where she waves at him while dancing next to her red Ferrari. The two finally meet at a motel in Arizona where clark is prowling the lounge after a tiff with his wife Ellen. The Girl sees through Clark's attempts to impress her, but is still interested in having some fun , which results in a hilarious sequence at the motel swimming pool involving skinny dipping and apparently rather cold water. Show less «