The Angry Video Game Nerd is a character created and portrayed by James Rolfe. He is well known for his comedic criticism of his numerous video games and game systems such as the Atari, Nintendo Entertainment System, and Sega Genesis to name a few. He is also well known for his outbursts of profanities, as well as his crude visual humor such as his...
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The Angry Video Game Nerd is a character created and portrayed by James Rolfe. He is well known for his comedic criticism of his numerous video games and game systems such as the Atari, Nintendo Entertainment System, and Sega Genesis to name a few. He is also well known for his outbursts of profanities, as well as his crude visual humor such as his constant use of the middle finger, mock fighting scenes, and (obviously fake, but humorous) use of feces in his videos. His constant anger and profane language is found very funny by his viewers.The Angry Nerd's review of movies, video games, and video game systems can be found on,, and Nerd's theme-song is a well-known icon among his fans, and a very big AVGN trademark.
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