Stinky Pete, also known as Stinky Pete the Prospector or simply the Prospector, is the hidden secondary antagonist of Toy Story 2. He is a toy prospector who is a member of the Woody's Roundup Gang collection.Stinky Pete is often thought to be the hidden main antagonist of the second film.He is voiced by Kelsey Grammer in the second film, by A...
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Stinky Pete, also known as Stinky Pete the Prospector or simply the Prospector, is the hidden secondary antagonist of Toy Story 2. He is a toy prospector who is a member of the Woody's Roundup Gang collection.Stinky Pete is often thought to be the hidden main antagonist of the second film.He is voiced by Kelsey Grammer in the second film, by Andrew Danish in LittleBigPlanet2 Toy Story, and by Stephen Stanton in Kinect Disneyland Adventures. Show less «