Scott Carey became known to the world as the Incredible Shrinking Man, during the months before his unfortunate demise. Apparently exposed to a mysterious cloud of radiation during a boating expedition with his wife, Carey began slowly losing mass (and height), although oddly retaining his basic proportions over time. This bizarre phenomenon led to...
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Scott Carey became known to the world as the Incredible Shrinking Man, during the months before his unfortunate demise. Apparently exposed to a mysterious cloud of radiation during a boating expedition with his wife, Carey began slowly losing mass (and height), although oddly retaining his basic proportions over time. This bizarre phenomenon led to his fame, and to multi-million dollar research grants to seek a way to reverse the process. Glandular experimentation proved to check the shrinking, but only temporarily. His death is reported to have occurred at the hands (claws) of a beloved household pet, although a strange cult dedicated to his achievement as the first sub-atomic human insists that he survived this incident. His unfinished autobiography was completed and published by his widow, making her and her second husband a fortune.
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