Pennywise is a shapeshifting being, that originated in a mysterious void containing and surrounding the Universe. His other powers and abilities are illusions, partial invisibility, regeneration, telepathy and many more. Pennywise's real name has never been known. Although, it claims its true name to be Robert Gray - and is named It by the gro...
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Pennywise is a shapeshifting being, that originated in a mysterious void containing and surrounding the Universe. His other powers and abilities are illusions, partial invisibility, regeneration, telepathy and many more. Pennywise's real name has never been known. Although, it claims its true name to be Robert Gray - and is named It by the group of children who later decided to confront the creature. Pennywise finally got killed in 1985 by the group of children that tried to kill him back in the 50s.
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