Odd Thomas is a 20 year old short-order fry cook at the Pico Mundo Grille in the fictional city of Pico Mundo, California. He has the unique ability to see the lingering dead, as well as dark spirits that he calls bodachs. He had a very poor relationship with his parents due to his dad being a spoiled, rich narcissist and his mother having severe p...
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Odd Thomas is a 20 year old short-order fry cook at the Pico Mundo Grille in the fictional city of Pico Mundo, California. He has the unique ability to see the lingering dead, as well as dark spirits that he calls bodachs. He had a very poor relationship with his parents due to his dad being a spoiled, rich narcissist and his mother having severe psychological problems that prevent her from dealing with any form of conflict. Having been raised mostly by his grandmother, Pearl Sugars, and Chief of Police Wyatt Porter, he has become known to the small city as a bit of an eccentric. Only Wyatt, Stormy, Little Ozzie, and a few select others know of his gift. He leads a simple life when the dead are not requesting he soothes their spirits, and maintains very few personal objects. He owns multiples of the same outfit, does not own a car, and spends most of his time with Stormy or the ghost of Elvis Presley.
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