As a child, Mickey was abused by both his parents and witnessed his father commit suicide when he was ten. He met Mallory as a young adult, while delivering beef to her parents' home, and later stole her father's car. The day they encountered, he was arrested and imprisoned for the car theft. During a tornado outside of the prison, he man...
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As a child, Mickey was abused by both his parents and witnessed his father commit suicide when he was ten. He met Mallory as a young adult, while delivering beef to her parents' home, and later stole her father's car. The day they encountered, he was arrested and imprisoned for the car theft. During a tornado outside of the prison, he managed to escape by riding a horse off the prison grounds. He returned to Mallory, and assissted her in the murder of her parents. He first killed her father, by beating him with a crowbar and drowning him in a fish tank. He then tied Mallory's mother to her bed and Mallory set the bed alight. Shortly after they committed their first murders, they began working as armed robbers, before they began their murder spree. During the spree, both Mickey and Mallory declared their love for one another. He is actually based on the infamous real-life killing spree murderer known as Charles Starkweather.
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