Major Roger Healey
When we first meet Roger Healey, he is a US Army captain assigned to NASA working at Cape Kennedy as both a member of the ground crew and training to be an astronaut. He is a very single bachelor living in Cocoa Beach, Florida dating a different girl every night. However, one day in 1965 his life would change drastically. While driving in the base ... Show more »
When we first meet Roger Healey, he is a US Army captain assigned to NASA working at Cape Kennedy as both a member of the ground crew and training to be an astronaut. He is a very single bachelor living in Cocoa Beach, Florida dating a different girl every night. However, one day in 1965 his life would change drastically. While driving in the base parking lot he accidentally hits a car being driven by a very beautiful girl named Jeannie. Roger is immediately smitten with her and eventually falls in love with her. However, unknown to Roger, Jeannie is really a genie and her master is none other than his best friend Captain Anthony Nelson, who found her when he was stranded in the Pacific following the malfunction of his spacecraft. Roger unsuccessfully pursues Jeannie who sees him as just a friend and when she suddenly disappears he goes as far as to hire a private investigator. Then, one day while he is visiting Tony, Roger discovers Jeannie's bottle and when she smokes out of it she reveals her secret. Immediately, Roger steals the bottle and becomes Jeannie's new master and puts her to work to make him a very wealthy man. However, when Tony's and Roger's superiors get suspicious as to where he is getting all this wealth to the point that he is working for an enemy power, Roger sees the error in his ways and gladly gives Jeannie back to Tony. From that point on, Roger is the only person other than Tony to know about Jeannie and with a few exceptions pretty much tries to control his greed. In fact, with Roger now knowing about Jeannie he pretty much becomes a very close friend and often tries to help Tony with the very bizarre situations that Jeannie often gets him into. Also, a few years later, Roger proudly stands as Tony's best man as his two best friends finally get married.On the personal front, Roger was eventually promoted to major, at the same time Tony was, and when last seen he was happily married and a colonel in the army. Show less «
  • Major Roger Healey movies list

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