LIEUTENANT ELIZABETH PALMER, Specialist (communications), was one of several relief communicators who served aboard USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, in the Prime Reality. Relief communicators stand bridge watches occasionally, to spell the senior communications officer, especially when said officer is off the ship for any ...
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LIEUTENANT ELIZABETH PALMER, Specialist (communications), was one of several relief communicators who served aboard USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, in the Prime Reality. Relief communicators stand bridge watches occasionally, to spell the senior communications officer, especially when said officer is off the ship for any reason. Most of these bridge watches are uneventful. But Lt. Palmer stood two memorable bridge watches during her career with the Enterprise: the battle with the extra-galactic planet-destroying berserker machine ( The Doomsday Machine ) that (as everyone thought) killed Commodore Matthew Decker, and the abortive rescue of Sevrin and his gang of galactic drop-outs after the ship they had stolen, overheated and blew up ( The Way to Eden ).Following this second opportunity, she gained enough favor with Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, the senior communicator, to win from her a recommendation for advanced training in communications. Star Fleet thus sent her to communications school, and upon her graduation she won an assignment as senior communications officer on USS Defiant II. (The original Defiant was lost in the spatial interphase of the Tholian sector, after all hands literally went insane and killed each other.)But apparently Dr. Janice Lester, when preparing to replace Captain James T. Kirk with the aid of the mind-body transfer device she unearthed on Camus II, did not keep up with all the personnel changes aboard the Enterprise. Thus she did not know that the relief communicator who was standing a bridge watch when she came aboard, was not Elizabeth Palmer at all, but Angela Martine, who had gone to basic communications school after wanting to transfer out of the weapons specialty. Which is why Lester, pretending to be Captain Kirk, called Angela Lisa by mistake--using a short form for Elizabeth that the real Lt. Palmer likely never used.
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