Kenji, portrayed by Hiroyuki Sanada, is the lead antagonist in the film Rush Hour 3. A tall Asian man with slick, raven black hair, Kenji is the leader of the deadly Chinese Triads in Paris who attempt to rid the world of the sacred Shy Shen (whom is actually Genevieve). While the Triad goal is set, Kenji has a personal agenda of his own against hi...
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Kenji, portrayed by Hiroyuki Sanada, is the lead antagonist in the film Rush Hour 3. A tall Asian man with slick, raven black hair, Kenji is the leader of the deadly Chinese Triads in Paris who attempt to rid the world of the sacred Shy Shen (whom is actually Genevieve). While the Triad goal is set, Kenji has a personal agenda of his own against his brother, Inspector Lee.Long ago, Lee and Kenji were best friends at an orphanage and as described by Lee, Kenji was rebellious and the two always backed each other up and got themselves out of trouble together. However, when Lee left, Kenji (who was confused with thoughts) was morphed into a man of hate and now feels betrayed by his former brother. The two finally cross paths again when Lee pursues Kenji down an alleyway in Los Angeles after an assassination attempt on Consul Han.In Paris, Lee and Carter find themselves busy protecting Genevieve, although occasionally they cross paths with Kenji who continues his brutal hate towards Lee. At the films climax, Kenji and his gang kidnap Soo Yung and hold her hostage at the Jules Verne restaraunt in the Eiffel Tower. As soon as Lee arrives, he and Kenji engage in a vicious fight to the death which results in them hanging above the torn safety net below the tower's second level. With the net ripping, Kenji has a debatable change of heart and sacrifices himself by lessening the weight on the net and plummeting to his death. Kenji's actions, though sacrificial, were either fueled by a sudden forgiveness to Lee and disgrace or were out of sheer desperation.
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