Jason 'Stanky' Hanky, in this episode is a recovering addict/alcoholic and he has completed Step Nine (Making Amends) to all parties with exception of George Costanza for a long ago joke played at George's expense for which George notes 'Stanky' has not yet apologized.Throughout the show, he all but harasses Spader's c...
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Jason 'Stanky' Hanky, in this episode is a recovering addict/alcoholic and he has completed Step Nine (Making Amends) to all parties with exception of George Costanza for a long ago joke played at George's expense for which George notes 'Stanky' has not yet apologized.Throughout the show, he all but harasses Spader's cameo character, even at his current workplace, an Ice Cream Parlor. With each meeting, he falls short of expressly apologizing and when finally confronted, Jason makes it clear he will NEVER apologize to George and also how much he hates Step Nine of the 12 Step Program he is involved in with his recovery. He isn't sorry, he finally tells George.(This is the only time Jason Hanky appears in the Seinfeld series.)
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