Dr. Helen Benson (portrayed by Jennifer Connelly) is an astro-biologist summoned by the government to help deal with an unknown crisis that erupts when a giant spherical UFO lands in Manhattan, New York. A widow who's husband died in the Iraq War, Helen is raising a young son, Jacob (played by Jaden Smith). When an alien being attempts to make...
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Dr. Helen Benson (portrayed by Jennifer Connelly) is an astro-biologist summoned by the government to help deal with an unknown crisis that erupts when a giant spherical UFO lands in Manhattan, New York. A widow who's husband died in the Iraq War, Helen is raising a young son, Jacob (played by Jaden Smith). When an alien being attempts to make contact with her after stepping out of the giant sphere, he is shot by a military sniper. Taken prisoner, the alien, who calls himself 'Klaatu', is befriended by Dr. Benson, who helps him escape from a military interrogation. Going against the US Governments hostile approach towards the alien, Dr. Benson seeks understanding with him, and in the end averts a catastrophic cleansing of the Earth of all humanity by convincing Klaatu to change his mind about human beings.
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