George Primate is the titular protagonist of the George of the Jungle franchise. He is an apeman who is Ursula's husband, Junior's dad, and Ape's adoptive brother. George is also known as the White Ape.He was originally voiced by Bill Scott, then by Lee Tockar in the 2007 show remake. In the first movie, he was portrayed by Brendan F...
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George Primate is the titular protagonist of the George of the Jungle franchise. He is an apeman who is Ursula's husband, Junior's dad, and Ape's adoptive brother. George is also known as the White Ape.He was originally voiced by Bill Scott, then by Lee Tockar in the 2007 show remake. In the first movie, he was portrayed by Brendan Fraser; in the second movie, George was portrayed by Christopher Showerman after Fraser declined to return due to working on Looney Tunes: Back in Action.
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