Flotsam & Jetsam
Flotsam and Jetsam are the minions of the sea witch, Ursula in Disney's The Little Mermaid. A pair of moray eels who frequently speak in unison, finish eachother's sentences, and intertwine their bodies, almost like they're the same entity, divided into two. Often used as spies, the pair (like evil twins), each had a glowing eye (one... Show more »
Flotsam and Jetsam are the minions of the sea witch, Ursula in Disney's The Little Mermaid. A pair of moray eels who frequently speak in unison, finish eachother's sentences, and intertwine their bodies, almost like they're the same entity, divided into two. Often used as spies, the pair (like evil twins), each had a glowing eye (one for right-sided, the other for left-sided), that they used to allow Ursula to see anything in their vicinity. Ursula would remain in her lair, working from behind the scenes, and watching everything from her crystal ball. Flotsam and Jetsam are the first to notice Ariel's infatuation with the world above. Upon witnessing the girl fall in love with a human male, Prince Eric, Ursula sent Flotsam and Jetsam to propose a deal to Ariel that she simply couldn't refuse.Flotsam and Jetsam were given the task of luring Ariel to Ursula's lair. A job they finished with ease, telling her Ursula could make sure that Ariel and Prince Eric could be Together...Forever. After Ariel was made human, Flotsam and Jetsam successfully stopped Ariel from kissing Prince Eric and sealing the deal, by knocking over their canoe at the exact moment they were about to kiss.Flotsam and Jetsam laid low while Ursula posed as a human named Vanessa, until her plan succeeded, and she gained control over the oceans. But, when Ursula's plan started to fall apart due to Eric's attempts to save Ariel, Flotsam and Jetsam tried to hold him back, even attempting to drown him. Ursula then tried to kill Eric by zapping him with the trident. But Ariel yanked on Ursula's hair, causing her to fire in the wrong direction, instead hitting and destroying Flotsam and Jetsam. Ursula mourned the loss of her Poor little poopsies and then went mad with power, determined to kill Ariel and Eric.Flotsam and Jetsam are some of the most efficient henchmen ever to appear in a Disney movie. Until their demise, they succeeded at every job Ursula gave them. Unlike most Disney minions, they were never humorous and never had a conflict with their boss or eachother. This is probably because Ursula seemed to genuinely care about them(Evident in the way she refers to them as her Darlings or Poopsies as well as her horror and outrage when they were killed), treating them like pets rather than servants.Flotsam and Jetsam also appear in the upcoming 2007 Broadway musical version of The Little Mermaid. They have a singing role in Ursula's number, I Want The Good Times Back, and also have their own song, Sweet Child. Show less «
  • Flotsam & Jetsam movies list

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