In Rudolph's Shiny New Year Father Time, voiced by the legendary Red Skelton, is the narrator of the story. He appears as an old man, with grey hair, although he claims to have once had re hair and was called The Old Redhead. His castle, known as the Palace of Happy New Years, is in the Desert known as the Sands of Time. He is in chrage of all...
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In Rudolph's Shiny New Year Father Time, voiced by the legendary Red Skelton, is the narrator of the story. He appears as an old man, with grey hair, although he claims to have once had re hair and was called The Old Redhead. His castle, known as the Palace of Happy New Years, is in the Desert known as the Sands of Time. He is in chrage of all the Time in the Universe. One of his duties is to make sure that there is a New Year. When Happy the Baby New Year runs away, thretening the progression of Time, Father Time asks Santa Claus for aid. As there is a storm blowing, Santa sends Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Father Time sends several of his associates to aid Rudolph: General Ticker the Clockwork Soldier, to guide Rudolf to the Palace, the camel Quarter Past Five, to carry them across the Desert, and Big Ben the Clockwork Whale, to aid Rudolph in the search in the Archipelago of Last Years and to chase Eon to The Island of No-Name.
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