Donna is a contestant chosen to partake in Dangertainment's reality internet show in which a group of 6 explore the childhood home of Michael Myers. She is an intellectual who is psychologically intrigued by Michael Myers and Halloween. Throughout the night in the Myers household she spends the majority of her time with another contestant name...
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Donna is a contestant chosen to partake in Dangertainment's reality internet show in which a group of 6 explore the childhood home of Michael Myers. She is an intellectual who is psychologically intrigued by Michael Myers and Halloween. Throughout the night in the Myers household she spends the majority of her time with another contestant named Jim. They begin the night acting quite cold toward each other but start flirting as the night goes on, eventually hooking up in a basement chamber. In the end, her curiosity gets the better of her as she is fatally impaled upon a broken gate by Michael Myers while exploring the underground tunnels beneath the house. Show less «