Anna Ramirez, a detective in the Gotham Police Department seems to be loosely based on the DC Universe character Det. Renee Montoya, who was originally created for Batman: The Animated Series. In Batman: Gotham Knight she is partnered with Det. Crispus Allen, as was the aforementioned Renee Montoya in the DC Universe comics series Gotham Central. A...
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Anna Ramirez, a detective in the Gotham Police Department seems to be loosely based on the DC Universe character Det. Renee Montoya, who was originally created for Batman: The Animated Series. In Batman: Gotham Knight she is partnered with Det. Crispus Allen, as was the aforementioned Renee Montoya in the DC Universe comics series Gotham Central. Anna Ramirez (as Det. Ramirez) was created for Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. Show less «