Bardolph is a Yankee (Union) Soldier in the Civil War who with other Soldiers comes upon the home of Sarah (played by Natalie Portman) where Inman (Jude Law) is currently staying on his way back to Cold Mountain. The Yankee soldiers are looking for food and mistreat Sarah and her sickly baby, Ethan. Bardolph is the only one of the three men who sho... Show more »
Bardolph is a Yankee (Union) Soldier in the Civil War who with other Soldiers comes upon the home of Sarah (played by Natalie Portman) where Inman (Jude Law) is currently staying on his way back to Cold Mountain. The Yankee soldiers are looking for food and mistreat Sarah and her sickly baby, Ethan. Bardolph is the only one of the three men who shows some sympathy and he covers the baby with a blanket and holds him. Even so, once Inman kills the other two men, Sarah shoots Bardolph dead out of anger and fear. Show less «
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