Allison Pond (portrayed by Jennifer Connelly) is a free-spirited young woman in 1950's California who tragically is murdered in the film 'Mulholland Falls'. While in a relationship with a general in charge of atomic tests in the desert, Allison stumbles upon secrets - and sufferings - being hidden as a result of those tests, somethin...
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Allison Pond (portrayed by Jennifer Connelly) is a free-spirited young woman in 1950's California who tragically is murdered in the film 'Mulholland Falls'. While in a relationship with a general in charge of atomic tests in the desert, Allison stumbles upon secrets - and sufferings - being hidden as a result of those tests, something that leads someone to murder her by throwing her from a plane. Investigating her murder is the L.A.P.D.'s 'Hat Squad', a group of intrepid detectives who get much more leeway in their methods and their cases because they get results. Heading that squad is Det. Max Hoover (Nick Nolte), who happens to be a former lover of Allison's. Determined to find her killer, he and his squad confront Federal and military roadblocks determined to keep them from getting to the truth. In the end, Hoover discovers Allison was murdered to keep from blowing the whistle on human testing of radiation sickness, and avenges her by disposing of her killers.
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