Aldous Snow, a character played by the similarly charismatic Russel Brand, is a rockstar and frontman of his band Infant Sorrow. He is known for his ridiculously open attitude towards relationships and sex, and is unusually casual about it. In the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall he travels with Sarah to Hawaii, running into her ex-boyfriend Peter, ...
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Aldous Snow, a character played by the similarly charismatic Russel Brand, is a rockstar and frontman of his band Infant Sorrow. He is known for his ridiculously open attitude towards relationships and sex, and is unusually casual about it. In the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall he travels with Sarah to Hawaii, running into her ex-boyfriend Peter, where they all stay in the same resort creating an abundance of awkward situations and random moments of comedy. For the movie two singles were created for Snow (Brand) to sing: Inside of You and We Gotta Do Something . He was known for his soberness, but after he split up with his girlfriend / mother of his son that wasn't really his but he didn't know that until later on, he than became known for not being sober. He played a show with a bone sticking out of his arm at The Greek theater in Los Angeles.
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