An award winning short comedy filmmaker, Willy is a Chicago native who has directed 39 comedy shorts. Maybe 40. He also co-created the Chicago Short Comedy Video and Film Festival, Chicago's first short comedy film festival, which continued for more than a decade. Willy's vision as a comedy filmmaker was created by various extensive studi...
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An award winning short comedy filmmaker, Willy is a Chicago native who has directed 39 comedy shorts. Maybe 40. He also co-created the Chicago Short Comedy Video and Film Festival, Chicago's first short comedy film festival, which continued for more than a decade. Willy's vision as a comedy filmmaker was created by various extensive studies from both improv and dramatic Chicago acting classes including: Second City, Improv Olympic, Annoyance Theater, The Steven Ivich Studio, Victory Gardens Theater and the Piven Workshop.Willy's Los Angeles journey as a camera operator has brought him to locations ranging from the Arctic Circle for History Channel's "Ice Road Truckers" and deep down into gator infested swamps of Louisiana for (brace yourself) "Swamp Pawn 3". Other credits include, Betty White's "Off Their Rockers", Howie Mandel's "Deal With It", "Celebrity Rehab", "Bait Car" and numerous other television shows.
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