Victor Natus is a German actor and is a graduate from the renowned Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York City. Before this, he studied at The New York Film Academy (NYFA).A quadrilingual and versatile actor, he starred in an Off-Broadway Play: 'Dog Sees God', which he co-produced with his Artistic Collective and Theater...
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Victor Natus is a German actor and is a graduate from the renowned Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York City. Before this, he studied at The New York Film Academy (NYFA).A quadrilingual and versatile actor, he starred in an Off-Broadway Play: 'Dog Sees God', which he co-produced with his Artistic Collective and Theater Company ONEIROS COLLECTIVE.He just wrapped productions on the Sky Original Series: "Funeral For A Dog", as well as on a Feature Film and 2 pilots for series that have peaked interest for sponsorship from HBO.He starred in the original musical 'Six Degrees of Sondheim', directed by Doug Cohen and performed as the lead in an experimental theatre adaption of 'Love and Information', directed by Megan Campisi and Blake Habermann.His background as a professional skier, advanced gymnast and professional basketball coach informs his energetic and committed style.Co-Founder of the Oneiros Collective. A keen filmmaker and director, he has co-directed and produced independent short films and scenes on camera.
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