Tatum Matthews stars as Erin Walton in The CW network's new "The Waltons" television specials (2021, 2022), reboots based on the beloved long-running CBS TV series. Additionally, Tatum stars in the sci-fi film "The Artifice Girl," which had its world premiere at the 26th Annual Fantasia International Film Festival in Montre...
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Tatum Matthews stars as Erin Walton in The CW network's new "The Waltons" television specials (2021, 2022), reboots based on the beloved long-running CBS TV series. Additionally, Tatum stars in the sci-fi film "The Artifice Girl," which had its world premiere at the 26th Annual Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal (July 2022), winning the Gold Audience Award for Best International Feature. A "triple threat," Tatum began her career in local theater productions, making her professional debut at age seven.
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