Sean Skelton is a writer/director residing in Los Angeles and New York. He is primarily known for his award-winning pilots and short films, including his dramatic comedy pilot "Trouble," which won the awards for Best TV Drama at the 2015 Independent Television Festival and Best Writing at the 10th Annual New York Television Festival. He c...
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Sean Skelton is a writer/director residing in Los Angeles and New York. He is primarily known for his award-winning pilots and short films, including his dramatic comedy pilot "Trouble," which won the awards for Best TV Drama at the 2015 Independent Television Festival and Best Writing at the 10th Annual New York Television Festival. He co-created and produced the documentary TV series "Wall Street Warriors" for MOJO HD. Among other projects, he wrote and produced a Webby-nominated web series for Yahoo! ("Financially Fit") and a short doc for Retro Report and the New York Times ("Biosphere 2"). He has also written several feature length screenplays and plans to direct his first feature soon. Show less «