Robert F. Sanders is a journalist and host of "Road Guy Rob," an educational series that explains traffic engineering concepts in plain English. He grew up in the western suburbs of Salt Lake City, Utah. As a junior high student, he got a taste for media when he turned the school's expansion blueprints into a narrated 3D-animated tou...
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Robert F. Sanders is a journalist and host of "Road Guy Rob," an educational series that explains traffic engineering concepts in plain English. He grew up in the western suburbs of Salt Lake City, Utah. As a junior high student, he got a taste for media when he turned the school's expansion blueprints into a narrated 3D-animated tour for parents. In college, his dorm-window pirate radio station led to a series of actual radio jobs. In 2007, he landed a job at a university's classical radio station, as a local news field reporter and drive-time anchor. He produced "The Matt Townsend Show" from 2012-13, which broadcast on SiriusXM. Robert earned a master's degree in civil engineering in 2018.
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