Rhian Fox, known for her role as Angela in the Disney Plus series "The Crossover", is an American actress born in New Orleans, Louisiana. She began her acting career performing in school productions and community theatre. Rhian has performed in productions such as The Lion King at Anthony Bean Community Theatre, Frozen at Jefferson Perfor...
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Rhian Fox, known for her role as Angela in the Disney Plus series "The Crossover", is an American actress born in New Orleans, Louisiana. She began her acting career performing in school productions and community theatre. Rhian has performed in productions such as The Lion King at Anthony Bean Community Theatre, Frozen at Jefferson Performing Arts Society, and School House Rock at Jefferson Performing Arts Society. Rhian started training at Launch Model and Talent and is currently training at Debby Gaudet's Screen Actors Studio. Rhian made her film debut when she starred as the lead in Entertainment GOES' short film "Flora's Spell". For that film, she won "Best Supporting Actress" and "Best Acting Duo" at the Independent Shorts Awards in Los Angeles.
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